Southern Africa Wildlife College Bursaries 2023/2024 Online Application form pdf
We are aware at mytopschools that several of you have been searching for information concerning Southern Africa Wildlife College Bursaries 2023/2024 Online Application form pdf, cteet bursaries, forestry bursaries, n6 bursaries, aspen bursary, mondi bursaries, inspiration africa bursary, partial bursary, gis bursaries and we have take it upon ourselves to ensure that you get all the information you need to know to acquire this bursary in 2023/2024
According to Wikipedia, a bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees. In return for the bursary the individual is usually obligated to be employed at the institution for the duration as the bursary.
According to The Good Schools Guide, a bursary is “usually for helping out the impoverished but deserving and those fallen on hard times
Having totally told you what a bursary is about, its high time we quickly take a look at the topic of today “Southern Africa Wildlife College Bursaries Online Application form pdf”.
In this guide, you shall get all the information relating to the bursary and how to go about the application especially the application deadline.
Southern Africa Wildlife College Bursaries Online Application form pdf
The Southern African Wildlife College Trust was established in 2000 by WWF South Africa as a means of ensuring a permanent income stream for the training at the Southern African Wildlife College of Southern African Development Community conservation and natural resource managers.
What is the issue?
Southern Africa is blessed with a uniquely rich natural heritage. Sadly, nature is often affected by unwise development, climate change, poverty and the growing demand for products harvested from the wild. Those charged with taking care of our natural resources – the custodians – need to be well equipped with skills and the passion to tackle these challenges.
Funding for education in nature conservation management is limited in southern Africa. To address this need, the Southern African Wildlife College Trust provides funding to the College to award scholarships and bursaries for education of Southern African Development Community (SADC) conservation and natural resource managers. The funding ensures the long-term sustainability and impact of this vital work. The Trust also contributes to the operational costs of the College.
What are we doing?
WWF South Africa was the founder of the Trust and remains an active partner, entitled to nominate two trustees to act for the Trust. WWF has also been contractually appointed by the Trust to manage its administration.
The Trust invests its capital in the Prescient Living Planet Fund, an environmentally friendly listed fund established by WWF South Africa.
How do we do this?
The Trust’s capital fund grows through donations received and proceeds on investments. A fundraising and communication plan is in place and is regularly reviewed by Trustees.
An annual disbursement is made to the College from the capital fund to contribute to the operational costs of the College and to provide for scholarships and bursaries there.
The qualifications offered by the College are accredited higher education and training courses, across a range of conservation management topics. Applied learning both on site and in the workplace builds capacity in conservation management. Ultimately the students’ qualifications result in improved quality of life and much-needed benefits that flow to their families and communities.
Who do we work with?
We work with entities who are entitled to nominate trustees to serve on the Trust which are WWF South Africa, the Peace Parks Foundation, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature South Africa.
How did it start?
In 1996, in collaboration with SADC and other conservation organisations, WWF South Africa established the Southern African Wildlife College in the Greater Kruger National Park on land donated by the late Mr Hans Hoheisen. The construction of the College facilities was funded by the German Development Bank and funds raised by WWF South Africa. WWF South Africa then established the Trust in 2000 as a means to provide a sustainable income stream to fund education and training at the College.
What are the big wins?
- To date, inclusive of investment return, over R50.2 million has been raised and over R13 million has been awarded for scholarships, bursaries and for high priority initiatives at the College.
- More than 60 accredited higher education and training scholarships and bursaries have been awarded to assist deserving students from at least eight different southern African countries.
Trust info
Trust registration number (Master’s reference) IT2499/2000
Public Benefit Organisation registration number: 930014089
That’s the much we can take on the topic “Southern Africa Wildlife College Bursaries Online Application form pdf”.
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