Facebook/Andela #BuildforSDG Challenge 2023 for Developers in Africa
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The Facebook Developer Circles & Andela #BuildforSDG Challenge is a seven-week immersive program where selected developers will work in agile remote teams or as individuals to innovate on projects relating to the SDGs.
The #BuildforSDG program is committed to helping empower you to build real-world, locally and relevant solutions focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while gaining skills you need to advance your career.
With a goal to engage 7.5k developers, 2,565k developer so far have contributed to building projects that could impact their communities through the first Cohort of the #BuildforSDG challenge. Applicants participating in Cohort 2 wiil focus on industry-led projects that would give them real-world experience working on high-value, high-impact projects, improve their market-readiness and possibly kick-start an entrepreneurial journey through their projects.
Facebook/Andela #BuildforSDG Challenge Eligibility.
- Open to developers in Africa;
- They should have at least one year of technical experience. If you have a working knowledge of front-end, back-end, or full-stack development and are looking to level up in web development skills, you are highly encouraged to apply;
- You must be 18 and above by January 2022 to be eligible for participation;
- To apply you must be excited to learn with fellow developers through a community and be a strong team player.
Facebook/Andela #BuildforSDG Challenge Benefits.
- The top fifteen (15) projects will be selected to participate in a one-day pitch-a-thon event to share their ideas;
- Get to work on projects that matter; add high value and high impact project to your portfolio;
- Access an entrepreneurial starter kit to launch your tech product;
- Grow your Developer skills while building functional projects;
- Access to employment opportunities through the Andela Market place.
- Oh, and a chance to help change the world!
Facebook/Andela #BuildforSDG Challenge Stages.
- Application Phase: July 20 – Aug 7
- Complete Application Form and Level Up with Andela Curated Learning Content.
- Pre-selection Stage: July 20 – August 7
- You will be required to level-up on course content, complete a baseline survey and be a Facebook Developer Circle Member
- Innovative Phase: August 10 – September 21
- This phase begins the seven(7) week-long period of this program. Here is all you need to know about this phase
- Pitch-a-Thon: Timeframe to be announced
- Top 15 teams (5 from each cohort) will pitch their projects to a panel of expert judges.
- Selection of Top 3 Winning Teams: Date is to be announced
- The top 3 projects will win value added prizes.
How to Apply for Facebook/Andela #BuildforSDG Challenge.
Complete and submit your application form. (You must sign-in to your Facebook account to have this completed.)
- Select your exact level of experience.
- Select the developer stack you have the most competence in.
- Select the category you will like to participate in (i.e Single, work with your pre-existing team and the option to be paired placed in a team). Please note that you will be assigned to a team based on how you have answered these fields in the application form.
- You would receive an email from the Andela Team detailing courses that you are to level up on.
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